Follow the BASH

2River in summers travels the country self-supported by bicycle. Here is the trailer for the upcoming Bikeride Around Superior and Huron (The BASH) which will complete the epic circumnavigation by bicycle of America’s great lakes.
Jump over to The UCity Review for a couple of a poems derived from these rides.

“Tabulations” by Michael Meyers

“Tabulations” by Michael Meyers

Every now and then 2River receives submissions that don’t quiet fit into its traditional concept of pages with text. “Tabulations” by Michael Meyers is a tonal poem whose meaning is embedded in its sonicness. Meyers has other audio works in Fringe deClassified, Mad Hatter’s Review, Drunken Boat, sound/text & Bound Off, plus the following here at 2River.

Grant Me Eggs

What We Have Learned So Far

Telling Everything

This Is Sweden

Living Thing

Obviously, Muddy Bank and 2River are big fans of Meyers. You can learn more about this at his web site.